Social Work Abroad Program (SWAP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to providing international learning opportunities for US-based social work students.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What should I pack?
While most everyday products are available in Nicaragua for a reasonable price, we suggest participants pack the following:
What books do you suggest I read to learn more about Nicaragua?
5 books recommended by our Viva Nicaragua! partner are below:
What books do you suggest I read to learn more about Costa Rica?
2 books recommended by SWAP are below:
What international health and safety resources could you recommend?
SWAP recommends participants review the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) website for up to date health and vaccination information regarding your travels abroad. The US Department of State's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) offers participants the opportunity to register their travel plans and receive alerts for medical and security information in case of an emergency abroad. All participants are required to purchase and maintain insurance while abroad
What professional organizations can I connect with to learn more about international social work?
You may find exploring the following professional organizations helpful: National Association of Social Workers and Council on Social Work Education..
What principles of professional integrity does SWAP follow?
Social Work Abroad Program respects the International Federation of Social Workers Statement of Ethical Principles and Profession Integrity to ensure integrity in our practices. These principles are:
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